Written by LunarSpotlight
Wednesday, 29-Nov-23 21:09:19 UTC
This week, we had our 134th Live broadcast, plus we held our biggest sale of the year! For more details, read on.
This past Saturday, Live #134 brought on Lunar, DMJ654, and Xara to do a little catching up after a long gap between broadcasts, news about seasonal sales and deals on fangames, and of course lots of new music fresh from the music markets. Much of the music we played won’t be eligible for the rotation until February 2024, so be sure to tune in to the Lives if you get the chance!
In the spirit of the season, we joined in on the sale madness and put out a couple coupon codes for our e-store (https://gensokyo.store) which gave deep discounts on music, plus a rare discount on all station merch. These were hinted at during Saturday’s Live show, and valid for 48 hours from Monday through Tuesday UTC. Thanks to everyone who nabbed a handful of albums or grabbed a shirt, we’ll be working through fulfilling orders this week!
That’s all for this week, we’ll be pushing more music to the rotation in the near future, so keep tuned in and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #142]
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