Written by LunarSpotlight
Monday, 15-Jan-24 22:09:40 UTC
Written by LunarSpotlight
Monday, 15-Jan-24 22:09:40 UTC
This week, we took some time to tidy things up in the studio, plus three additional languages have been completed for app translations. For more details, read on.
During a long period of prioritizing coursework and station tasks, we’ve acquired a large number of albums for the store and station which has added to the general clutter of our primary studio. This week, we spent a lot of time and used a lot of muscle to clean up, reorganize our physical stock, and make work in the studio space more streamlined. For those who aren’t aware, we ship all music albums on our store ourselves; we save many hundreds of dollars by avoiding warehousing and doing the manual work of packaging and local delivery. We’ve more or less completed reorganization on a macro level, and will be gradually moving through consolidating boxes and minimizing space used.
On the translation front, we now have German, Thai, and Japanese translations completed with additional review imminent. We’re still working through the technical side of changing static app text into translation-compatible text, but we’re well on the way to being on-par with Android’s v1.x translations.
Finally, we’re currently looking into an issue related to live info on the station. Under normal conditions, the scheduler sends updates with every song, but it appears that these updates are inconsistent at present. We’re looking at all sides of the system to diagnose the root cause. Until then, live info will often become outdated until the next update is pushed. Generally, if the song duration is empty, the information is invalid or out of date. Consider delaying rating songs until this is resolved.
That’s all for this week, stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #149]
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