Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 29-Jan-23 21:17:43 UTC
Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 29-Jan-23 21:17:43 UTC
This week, we received our latest batch of albums and have begun a new campaign to get the word out about our new and upcoming albums. For more information, read on!
For the past couple months, we’ve been working behind the scenes to get more albums into our station’s new storefront. The first batch of albums we pushed with the storefront’s initial launch was received very well by our listeners and other website visitors. Now, with our most recent batch, we’re looking to get the word out to folks who want to help support artists and get their hands on physical copies of albums without needing to jump through proxy hoops.
Coincidentally, this weekend marks three months until our guest appearance at TouhouFest 2023 in Torrance, California! To mark the occasion, we’ve decided to launch a new campaign to showcase the albums folks can find in our online store by posting one album every day until TouhouFest begins. That’s a lot of albums!
You can find our campaign in our Discord server’s music forum, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We may also have some summarized mentions via our YouTube channel and radio station over the course of the campaign.
We want to run the best booth we’re able to while we’re at TouhouFest in April, and to be prepared to replicate our setup for future events and conventions. To do this, we have a list of things we either need to get in order to run our show on-location, or would like to get in order to make our booth a fun and exciting space for all attendees. Some of the equipment categories include: microphones, headphones, mixer, compressors, preamps, signage, displays, surfaces, speakers, cases, lighting, power, and cables (some of which we already have). All of that is in addition to other necessary expenses like shipping, travel, food, etc. Options like those in our web store and our Indigo membership program are a big part of helping us fund projects like these. Your support is very much appreciated!
Finally, our most recent Meetup and Live events are still in the post-production queue. Spring semester has begun, and I yet have a pile of external work to do aside from the station or academia which have contributed to delays. Once these are completed, they’ll go out to patrons first for an early access cycle before becoming available publicly through the regular channels such as Spotify and other podcast platforms.
We look forward to knocking out more items on our to-do list for the event in April. As always, thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #102]
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