Written by LunarSpotlight
Monday, 23-Sep-24 22:41:17 UTC
Written by LunarSpotlight
Monday, 23-Sep-24 22:41:17 UTC
This week, we announced that Gensokyo Radio will be working with Paradise of Boundaries for their upcoming BBEX International event. For more details, read on!
BBEX International is an online Touhou art festival organized by Paradise of Boundaries and features fan-submitted music, artwork, fan games, cosplays, written works, and more in a couple different formats. Works are presented in a mix of English and Spanish as a digital magazine and a live stream showcase similar to how Nintendo Direct showcases new and upcoming games.
When they reached out to us, we opted to participate by promoting their event to our community and across our social channels, and in exchange Gensokyo Radio will be featured among a handful of other organizations, channels, and communities. Their callout for creators to submit works is currently public, and if you’re interested in participating, you have until November 9th to enter. Check the #announcements channel on Discord or our socials for more details.
Gensokyo Radio Live #144 is scheduled for Saturday, September 28th at 6pm ET, so make sure you’re notified on Discord by clicking the “interested” button in the event tab on the Gensokyo Radio server.
We’ll have additional news to share ahead of the next BBEX event, so stay tuned for more and thanks for listening!
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