Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 09-Jun-24 22:05:45 UTC
This week, we worked through some post-migration work including the implementation of persistent login sessions on the regular website, plus we’re looking at all options to keep the lights on. To learn more, read on.
As mentioned last week, we worked through an issue with login sessions, specifically using in-page asynchronous login via Ajax. This has been addressed by implementing persistent login sessions which has also been highly requested as a feature by listeners. The player page’s login window still needs to be updated, but with every other page across the website, logins will persist in a browser for up to one month.
On a separate note, we’ve spent lots of time over the last month reducing costs amid budget concerns. We’ve effectively been paying for the radio station’s operation out of pocket for the past few years to make up for the difference between costs and listener support. Coupled with personal finances and a very difficult job market to break into post-graduation, keeping the lights on for the next year will be a genuine challenge.
With that said, here are some things we’re working on:
- New merch: GR-themed water bottles similar in style to the “Lunar Tech Tips” bottles from a past April 1st sale; 1-2 additional T-shirt releases as pre-orders; additional CDs listed on Gensokyo.store.
- Web app adoption: wide release of the web app with support for podcast streaming
- Additional stream channels: find Gensokyo Radio in more places on more platforms (TBA)
Plus, Lunar will be committing to 8-hour daily dev streams (4-hour min.) on weekdays until the end of June (or a job offer is accepted), at which point we’ll decide what July will look like. Find the dev streams where the variety streams have been: twitch.tv/lunarspotlight. It starts tomorrow.
That’s all for this week. It’s time to show folks what it is I work on everyday, so thank you for your support, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #170]
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