Written by LunarSpotlight
Wednesday, 19-Jun-24 23:16:46 UTC
This week, we broadcast our 141st episode of Gensokyo Radio Live, plus Lunar completed the first of three weeks of a dev stream series on Twitch. For more details, read on!
Live #141 saw the full staff team join in for a show largely focused on music originating from artists in the western world. We listened to music from several artists and circles including Antares Enigma, KodamaSounds, Neo Sanctum, and Violet Delta.
We also gave DMJ654 a (totally planned) birthday gift by putting together a couple of songs themed after Metal Mondays, a series that DMJ has been putting together to shine some light on some of Touhou music’s more extreme metal and rock-themed artists and songs. Part of the segment will be trimmed from the podcast episode due to explicit lyric restrictions on certain podcast platforms our show is listed on. The full unedited episode will be made available on LunarSpotlight Media’s Patreon as a free post.
In other news, Lunar’s dev stream marathon is in full swing with one week down and two more to go! The dev streams have already worked through adding features to the web app such as a podcast episode progress indicator and the HLS endpoint intended for Apple devices. The series provides an opportunity for our community to see how stuff gets made and interact in a different format. Please consider stopping by and saying hello!
That’s all for this week! We’ve got more stuff to build and podcasts to edit, so thanks for reading and listening!
[Knowledge #171]
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