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Meetup #28 & Additional Music CDs Now Available


Written by LunarSpotlight
Tuesday, 19-Sep-23 23:16:29 UTC

This week, we held our 28th Meetup event, worked on some bug fixes related to app v2, and added more music to our web store. For more details, read on!

Our 28th Meetup event was held this past Sunday hosted by Lunar and DMJ654, and we spent the time talking about a variety of things related to current events as well as what’s been going on in our lives. We hope that pausing to chat about these things will help remind people that Gensokyo Radio has just a small team of people behind it – people who have other things going on in their lives, and none of whom can claim it as their full-time job.

In the past, we’ve had folks email us about employment or working with us in a more commercial capacity. Occasionally, we’ll get the odd email from Universal or a random “up-and-coming” trance artist or otherwise who wants us to know about their works and gain visibility through our station. While flattering, our station really focuses on catering to a smaller, more niche audience rather than aiming for mass appeal. It’s for this reason that sponsors and other advertisers are less likely to look to us as an impactful way to expand their reach, and so while the station has been around for over 12 years, we still depend on store sales and memberships just to keep the lights on, not to pay for anyone’s full-time employment

With that said, Autumn is just around the corner, and this season is historically the most expensive for us with a bunch of renewal dates fast approaching. In an effort to provide more options for folks, we’re adding additional music albums to our store, but you’ll notice that most of them are in categories other than Touhou works. In addition to what you might expect, we also carry Vocaloid and other original works that may not be fit for our station, but still work towards the goal of supporting independent artists around the world. A few items have been added, with more being added over the next few weeks.

By picking up music from our store, you’ll also help us keep things running smoothly station-side as well as enable us to pick up additional works later on. We’re currently planning to acquire additional works for consignment, but on occasion we do need to pay up-front which can get expensive quickly. Since we normally operate on a very lean budget, your support can go a long way to help with these acquisitions. Becoming a listener member with Indigo is another way you can help support us in an ongoing manner.

Finally, we pushed a few updates to app v2 (now in open beta). These fixes include:

  • Reverted the header spacing on the Player page to improve compatibility with iOS devices. (The header bar is not truly transparent, but rather “translucent” and applies a blur effect to objects underneath the bar. This would interfere with the appearance of album art which intentionally clipped into the bar to minimize negative space at the top of the screen.)
  • Changed the spacing method for the Favorite component to eliminate clipping on AlbumDetail screens. (Specific spacing was removed from the Favorite component and applied exclusively to the Player page instead.)
  • Fixed Indigo auto-login. (Previously, auto-login was intermittent. This was likely due to session caching, where login would be successful only if the user had previously logged in via the user/PIN prompt. The fix for this should work provided a user’s IP address does not change between the verification and connection attempt.)
  • Updated UX on Indigo login failure. (This couples with changes made to the verification process; if a user cannot be verified, a message will be displayed and the player state will reset rather than outputting an error message.)

That’s all for this week. Look forward to more new items being added to our store in the near-future, and if you’re not interested in anything our store has, please tell someone else you think might be interested, it’ll really help us out. We appreciate your continued support, and thanks for listening!

[Knowledge #134]

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