Written by DMJ654
Tuesday, 18-Feb-14 22:08:00 UTC
When I was first introduced to Touhou in my senior year of High School in my IT class, (who does work in that class anyway) I was just starting to get into dubstep. I was more partial to light dubstep then just Skillex wub noise because I enjoyed listening to melodies and not just pure static. After that I started into Touhou and discovered EastNewSound, and C-Clays. During that time my friend Jacob started to show me Flying Lotus, and we always were hyped listening to Gorillaz. So I started exploring on my own and discovered Clams Casino, DJ Ephxia, and a bunch of others. When I decided to hold off on reviewing this album, I did it so I can always have something to listen to after doing a review and enjoy it.
“Reproduction” is everything I liked about all the music shown to me and more. The dubstep is not over done, even in the wub heavy song “寒椿 ~ Kantsubaki (原曲:東方輝針城/ミストレイク)” It is just so beautiful, and well crafted. The drop is absolutely spine tingling and really gets you dancing. The vocals of one of my all time favorite vocalists Mei Ayakura also brings the whole song together into a beautiful masterpeice. There is also “Emotional bigwave (原曲:東方心綺楼/亡夫のエモーション)” which is something I would really like to see more of. It is a great drum and bass song. It is very nice. It is the best way to break up all the other songs on the album which were much slower. One song, which I hold high on this album is “It looks like scarlet devil - Dubstep mix - (原曲:東方紅魔郷/U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか)” which is nice and slow. It has this wonderful melody, great vocals, and the dubstep is well done. This song really is something to behold.
This has to be one of the best albums I have in my playlist. This is so much fun to listen to and enjoy when studying, and just relaxing around the house. To all those who love dubstep: this album is not wub noise, the dubstep is layered in some well crafted melodies and is really used to bring focus to the melody itself. Unlike most albums I have in my library, this album is one I’m always finding myself going back to. If you are also into complextro, might I suggest looking into the rest of ESQAURIA’s discography.
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