Written by LunarSpotlight
Sunday, 11-Feb-24 21:54:03 UTC
This week, we tested several new systems including block storage, a new broadcast server, and a new post-processing suite, plus we continued to create additional helper scripts for managing the live library. For more details, read on!
Our previous week’s update mentioned a new system “Forte” that is responsible for helping us make sense of a mixed library. This week, that work went a couple steps further where we built a system to update existing scheduler entries to lossless sources where available and remove lossy sources where both types existed. This results in an immediate increase in quality, plus the system will continuously upgrade sources when new music or lossless versions are added.
We built a couple additional systems which will help aid in the upcoming transition to a new scheduler. The first is a system which is capable of reading the scheduler’s available library and manifesting that library into an off-site block storage solution. This may help simplify library management for broadcasting, but we’re also looking into a separate solution which would omit block storage while being able to rotate through a larger library over time.
Finally, we upgraded our (future) remote broadcast server without the need to collocate. This comes with a scheduler replacement and the ability to use some new tools for post-processing. When we first introduced the scheduler over two years ago, we upgraded the overall feel of the station with trailers and advanced transitions. Now, we’re taking that one step further with a professional-grade post-processing suite that transforms our existing library into an even more clean and detailed audio stream. All stream qualities will experience a profound uplift in radio-quality sound when the new system is brought into production.
That’s all for this week, I hope you’ll look forward to what we’ve got on the horizon, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #154]
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