Written by LunarSpotlight
Tuesday, 26-Dec-23 22:33:58 UTC
This week, we pushed a handful of updates to address the web app’s live info system, plus we published a preview trailer ahead of Channel Lunar’s next video. For more details, read on!
If you’ve been using our web app to tune in to the station, you’ve probably experienced an issue where live info will work for a decent amount of time but eventually disconnect from live info. This issue would require the user to manually refresh the page by exiting and re-entering. The root cause for this was that the underlying websocket connection would eventually disconnect (usually due to network connections or other interference), and then would not reconnect. This differs from how the website currently works, where disconnect events are caught and reconnection happens automatically.
Now, the web app should automatically reconnect when the connection becomes unavailable (provided internet is still available). To make this happen, we completely tore out the old websocket code and replaced it with code that is more similar to how a Discord bot might work; connection and message events should be caught as intended, and connection errors should result in a reconnection attempt process. The update should be automatically pushed to your app, so enjoy the new system, and let us know if you experience any weirdness (it’s still in beta, after all).
On Christmas Day (the 25th), Lunar published a preview trailer for an upcoming video on his own video projects channel. The preview was titled “It’s Been 6 Years” in reference to a 2017 trip that takes viewers into a part of central Japan which has ties back to the Touhou Project video game series. If you haven’t checked out either video, please do so! They’re linked below.
That’s all for this week, Happy Holidays to everyone, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #146]
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